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Przewaga certyfikowana
Jakość to rzecz kluczowa dla nas i naszych klientów. W sprawach hamulców po prostu nie ma miejsca na kompromisy. Dotyczy to tak samo ruchu ulicznego jak i motorsportu, gdzie wspłzawodnictwo na krawędzi przyczepności wymaga ogromnego zaufania zawodnika do używanego sprzętu.
Globalne zaufanie
Dlatego nasze przewody są testowane rygorystycznie i w ekstremalnych warunkach zarówno tych laboratoryjnych jak i na torze. Wielokrotnie dowiedliśmy, że nasze przewody spełniają i przekraczają wymagania stawiane tego typu produktom. Dzięki temu są dopuszczone do ruchu na całym świecie.
Certyfikacja firmy
ISO 9001 is a quality management system that demonstrates our organisation's commitment to quality. Through certification HEL Performance has implemented processes and practices for the purpose of improving productivity, reduce costs and increasing customer satisfaction.
The ISO 9001 definition of quality extends to organisations demonstrating good practice across areas of business such as:
The ISO 14001 environmental management system allows HEL Performance to demonstrate to stakeholders and customers that the business is committed to reducing its environmental impact, as well as reducing costs associated with waste management.
The ISO 14001 standard was developed in 1996 with the aim of helping companies comply with regulations and laws, and improve their environmental impact. ISO 14001 is one of the most popular standards in the world, as it applies to all sectors of business, and organisations of any size.
Certyfikacja przewodów hamulcowych
We obtained full ABE approval for all of our brake line kits to allow certified entry to the German, Swiss and Austrian marketplaces. Our lines were already approved for use on all roads around the world with our FMVSS-106 approval but in some countries this means that the customer must pay an additional fee to allow the part to be added into their log book. By obtaining full KBA and ABE approval our parts can now automatically be added to the log book at any testing station without cost to the customer. By obtaining this additional certification shows that we are continually committed to offering the highest certified and quality assured products to the consumer.
We are pleased to announce that this new approval has now been fully obtained after our headquarters in the UK were visited and assessed by the KBA and our KBA number is: KBA61360 and Dekra completed all necessary tests with hoses fitted to vehicles.
Our ABE approval has been obtained for our OEM replacements, our Full Length replacements and our Over The Mudguard / Fender replacement brake line kits. We believe that this is another world first.
The Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt approves vehicles types and parts, monitors the work of test centres for the periodic examination of vehicles and quality control at manufacturing plants, designation of Technical services, accompanies recall actions by manufacturers of vehicles and vehicle parts, manages the Central Vehicle Register, the Register of driver fitness, the Central Register of Driving Licences and the Central Register of Tachograph Cards (only in German), provides information from these Registers and produces and publishes statistics on the basis of these Registers and also about vehicle defects and goods transports.
The Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt is within the scope of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure.
Our brake lines have been accepted by the Australian Department Of Transports ‘ADR — Australian Design Rules’ under FMVSS-106 design criteria and have been entered on the database of certificated suppliers by the Queensland Government.
Our brake lines have recently been independently tested by Dekra and have been granted full certification for use on the roads in Germany and countries requiring Dekra/TÜV approval.
Our brake lines have been accepted by the United States Department Of Transport under FMVSS-106 design criteria and have been entered on the DOT database of certificated suppliers.
Our brake lines meet and exceed all the requirements of FMVSS-106 which are used as the basis of all country specific regulations.
Israel MoT
Our brake line kits, through the work of our Israel Distributor have recently been added by the Israel Department Of Transport to their list of approved products. This has been extremely beneficial to us as before all brake lines had to be tested monthly by the Israel Department Of Transport. After being subjected to such rigorous testing and passing for the past 24 months we are the first and only manufacturer to have been granted this long term application. This is an important announcement as many companies simply test once and register their product but in Israel this is not the case. Each product is evaluated and tested monthly — proving the continued quality of our products.
NHTSA was established by the Highway Safety Act of 1970 to carry out safety programs previously administered by the National Highway Safety Bureau. Specifically, the agency directs the highway safety and consumer programs established by the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, the Highway Safety Act of 1966, the 1972 Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act, and succeeding amendments to these laws. Dedicated to achieving the highest standards of excellence in motor vehicle and highway safety, NHTSA works daily to help prevent crashes and their attendant costs, both human and financial. The agency strives to exceed the expectations of its customers through its core values of Integrity, Service, and Leadership.
Our brake lines have been accepted by the New Zealand Department Of Transport LTSA under FMVSS-106 design criteria and have been entered on the database of certificated suppliers.
SAE International is a global association of more than 128,000 engineers and related technical experts in the aerospace, automotive and commercial-vehicle industries. SAE International's core competencies are life-long learning and voluntary consensus standards development. SAE International's charitable arm is the SAE Foundation, which supports many programs, including A World In Motion® and the Collegiate Design Series. They aid the industry by helping with the writing of specifications and design principles. They also are responsible for the SAE J1403 requirement required for brake hoses used on the road of which are brake lines fully comply with.
Ogólnoświatowa norma FMVSS-106
Nasze przewody hamulcowe spełniają lub przewyższają założenia normy FMVSS-106, która używana jest jako podstawowa norma w wielu krajach:
ABE KBA (Niemcy)
ADR (Australia)
LTSA (Nowa Zelandia)
IDR (Izrael)
MOT (Europa)
Produkty HEL Performance są w pełni certyfikowane i zarejestrowane w powyższych organizacjach. To oznacza, że możesz bezpiecznie z nich korzystać gdzie tylko sie znajdujesz.
Tam, gdzie inni nie dają rady…
Niezależne testy potwierdziły, że nasze przewody spełniają lub przekraczają wymagania stawiane przewodom hamulcowym. Najtrudniejszym testem dla wielu przewodów okazuje się test polegający na wprawieniu w ruch jednego końca przewodu, gdy drugi koniec pozostaje unieruchomiony. Odtwarza to warunki pracy i siły, jakim przewód poddawany jest w rzeczywistości, z tym, że częstotliwość ruchów jest wielokrotnie większa. Aby uzyskać pozytywny wynik przewód musi wytrzymać 35 godzin takiego testowania.
Gdy poddano tej próbie nasze przewody wszystkie 4 próbki zostały zdjęte z urządzenia testującego po 40 godzinach bez oznak jakiegokolwiek zniszczenia. Dwa przewody zostały przetestowane przez kolejne 70 i 93 godziny, po którym to czasie nadal nie było widać oznak zniszczenia.
W ciągu 20 lat swojej działalności niezależne centrum badawcze, w którym przeprowadzano test nie spotkało się z takim przypadkiem.
Wynik testu jest potwierdzeniem nie tylko jakości naszego produktu, ale również słuszności naszej decyzji o położeniu szczególnego nacisku na właściwy projekt i jego rozwój. Gdy startowaliśmy, nasza konkurencja na rodzimym rynku stosowała końcówki nakręcane na przewód. Nasza gama przewodów z zakutymi końcówkami spowodowała, że rozwiązanie to praktycznie zniknęło z rynku, co przyczyniło się do ogólnej poprawy bezpieczeństwa.